The Meaning of Play

The Meaning of Play

“If we were to allow the wonder of the life of a child to reach us fully and truly and to be our teacher, we would have to say: Thank you….for reminding me about the joy and excitement of being human. Thank you for letting me grow together with you, that I can learn...


You can discover more about a person in an hour of play, than in a year of conversation. –...

Peggy O’Mara

The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. – Peggy...

Bessel van Der Kolk

Knowing you are loved and treasured is the most important part of a good brain and a good life. – Bessel van Der...

Friedrich Froebel

Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood – for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child’s soul. – Friedrich...

Paul Tillich

The first duty of love is to listen. – Paul...

Virginia Axline

Enter into children’s play and you will find the place where their minds, hearts and souls meet. – Virginia...